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  • Yin Yang Strip

    Especially proud for this one. My 11-year old niece was going through my sketchbook the other day and saw some scribbles that looked like a couple of birds. One white, one black. “these birds look like the yin yang!” she said. Brilliant!  We sat down and wrote and drew this story together. I think I’m already in […]

    Mused Fan Art #3

    This one is from my good friend Kostis Tzortzakakis. His kind hearted, nostalgic cartoons makes you all warm and fuzzy inside. Admire how much storytelling he can cram into a single panel. His blog is updated on a daily basis. Captions are in Greek but there’s always an English translation. Enjoy. Ευχαριστώ Κωστή! Caption translation: […]