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  • Illustration Friday discovered

    I just discovered “illustration Friday”. An ongoing illustration project, where everyone can try and illustrate a different topic every week. Just seeing the huge variety of so many different approaches on the same subject is really interesting. The topic this week is “Opinion”, and I thought I should give it a try.

    19th Comics festival in Lodz

    Early October, during the first weekend to be exact, me and my supergirl Lida attended the 19th Polish annual comics festival in Lodz. The place was such a beauty. We took long walks around the city every chance we had. Beautiful old buildings and statues all around. You could see banners, posters, and all sorts […]

    happy end

     Apparently luck was on my side, (beginners usually enjoy that privilege) and everything played out according to plan. The baking was perfect. No cracks or any other mishaps for that matter, and finally painted with acrylics. Voila!

    Play with clay

    Its just fun!When you know that you don’t have a clue what you are doing, you can’t really be anxious of the results, and that’s relaxing. Although I haven’t really practiced at all apart from fooling around with it from time to time, forming a piece of clay into something always felt natural. As for […]