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  • Inktober 2014

    What a month!

    But first things first. What’s Inktober? It’s a drawing challenge conceived by artist Jake Parker. You make an ink drawing everyday and share it online  for the entire month. I’ve been posting mine on facebook and twitter and now that it’s over I thought I should gather all of them in a nice post here on the blog.

    I’ve done this before and even though I draw almost everyday anyway, there were times it was actually pretty challenging. Some days are just so full that it seems almost impossible to keep up.  And yet, it’s that lack of time to second guess what you did, correct it or do it again that I enjoyed the most. It really feels liberating.  Artists often suffer from this kind of obsessive/compulsive behavior when it comes to their work and I’m no exception. That’s why rules are important. Sometimes they set you free.

    Anyway, here they are in the exact order they were made. Daily captions included. Enjoy the ride. I sure did.

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    It's Inktober all over again. Let's play!

    Always loved this guy!

    Unreasonable request day.

    Father and daughter unboxing their new PS4!

    Laaazy day! Background: Spaghetti Bolognese with graded Parmesan.

    I watched the documentary on Jodorowski's Dune yesterday. What an amazing project. This movie would either be a total disaster or a complete game changer for the whole sci-fi genre. So today's sketch is H.R Giger's design for the house Harkonnen. One of the many incredible things designed for Jodorowski's Dune. I know I bended the rules a bit this time, but I got these really nice markers today and I just had to use them.

    Busy day today. Next order of business. Go out, have drinks. Cheers!

    I would NEVER post this, but in the spirit of fairplay here it is. It was impossible to find spar time today. I just drew this in the dark, in a barr completely wasted (i'm so goinna regret rhat in the morning

    Yep. Same thing. I'm sorry but I just couldn't resist the urge when I saw what I've done last night. So, here's the sober version of last night's sketch

    I missed today's deadline by half an hour but I got a late start. I might have got a bit carried away with this one.

    Morning bliss.

    Tough day. I only had time for this quickie on my plane ride back home. Short flight unfortunately. So tired.

    First day back home after visiting friends. I can't help feeling a little blue. I guess, moving away from a place you lived for such a long time always comes with a price.

    Today's inktober sketch is a friend request. So, here you are friend. I added a bit of color too. Hope you like it!

    Today's inktober sketch is a friend request. So, here you are friend. I added a bit of color too. Hope you like it!

    Days are getting busier.

    Today was just too much. I'm beat.

    Brain set to autopilot today. Doodle doodlee dooo!

    I know it's lame but once it got in my head I just had to do it! :)

    Easy Sunday.

    Well, it was practically begging for it. I couldn't resist.


    Aaargh! I just couldn't hack it today. Too much stuff to do. But since I promised myself I'll post everything I'll make no matter what, here's a last minute thing. Something about a peacock reciting poetry sounded like a good idea. I don't know... off to bed.

    How awesome are my friends! My buddy Elias made a 3d printer! Today I saw it in action for the first time. We're actually printing all sorts of stuff as I'm writing this. Amazing! I told him he can have this sketch if he can print my request!

    Since ink is the main theme for this month, here's a small tribute to one of my favorite grand masters of ink. Sergio Toppi. And while we are at it, the list of favorites includes Dave Mckean, Alberto Breccia, Jean Giraud (Moebius), Joseph August Tharrats (Tha), I could go on and on... Check out any of them and enjoy the greatness! It's amazing after so many years how I still learn new things from observing their work.

    Feeling much better today. Did some work around the house too. Feels really good to do stuff you've been constantly postponing.

    Since I'm going with a sketch journal like approach lately, what the heck. Let's go all the way today.

    They took quite a few liberties with Dirk Gently's character for the TV show. Why on earth would you change such a perfectly written character. No wonder the show was canceled. I'm guessing a meeting like this one between the tv and the book character would probably be pretty awkward. I've drawn the book Dirk as Douglas Adams himself.

    Almost there.

    Thanks everyone for all the amazing cheering, it helped a lot! I've done the Inktober thing before but this one was really special. I tried to give it as much love as I could and it gave it back to me ten times more.


    Here’s a time-lapse vid of the 6th day’s sketch. I wish I could have made more of these.


    And here’s everything I used throughout the month.


    2 Responses to “Inktober 2014”

    1. sketchy says:

      I loved your drawings. They are all amazing!

    2. Thank you so much for posting these each day … I’ve been delighted and impressed by each one. My regard for how you’ve drawn daily, unfailingly, is so high it has altitude sickness. They detail is stunning, the mood they create … beautiful! My favorite one is the cellist and the conductor. Again, thank you … most impressive!

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