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    So. New website. Hope you like it. I wish I had more new things I’d like to share but I don’t. Not yet at least. I’m really working on it. Truth is I’ve never felt more uninspired and less creative my whole life . I lost something this last year. I don’t know what it is but I’ll get it back. I have to. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying  to sound dramatic or anything. Just stating facts. Got to go now. It’s sunny outside and it’s my birthday :)

    3 Responses to “New”

    1. *zuzu* says:

      ‘appy birthday!!!
      and that thing you lost..dont worry, it just went for a walk, it will be back real soon :)

    2. Kappa says:

      Thank you very much! I’ll tough it out I’m sure. As with most things, in the end I’ll either win or learn something new. :)

    3. Jerry says:

      Maybe it is not something to “get back”. Maybe now is just a fallow time for you, like a field when it is resting between crops. Unless there has been a catastrophic harm done in your life, most likely you have plateaued on some level, and are in stasis now (sort of stuck, but sort of resting), and the newest crop has yet to sprout and be seen. You very well might simply be gestating your newest dream, your newest vision. Your work is wonderful. As Picasso said, “The purpose of art is to affect,” and you have done so. You have affected my perception with your drawing and ruminations. A Day at the Park is excellent. AND “worthy”. Good luck and belated Happy Birthday!

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