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  • Color quickies

    louie-CK-color-studyIt’s been a while since I posted anything on process. Sometimes the projects I’m working on lean heavily on design so there’s no need for me to draw anything from observation. When that happens for too many days in a row I’m starting to feel a bit rusty. One of my favorite exercises on observation when I’m indoors is pausing on something I’m watching to make a quick digital color sketch. This one took a bit more than 15 minutes I think. Great show by the way.

    And while we are at it here’s a really quick one from True Detective. Another great show. I’ve already post it on facebook a while ago but somehow I forgot to post it here on the blog.

    true detective-pallete

    Here’s another study on the same principle from a previous post that started out as a pencil sketch but eventually got scanned and colored.

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