Although I’m back to base and my journey is officially over, I’ll keep making this journal. It’s fun and it allows me to stay in the traveling mood a little while longer.
Hi, I came back to look at your site after some years and I realize just now it was actually a blog. So I thought I should write something to tell you how much I appreciate your work. The story “A day in the park” is my favourite. I had it printed and since then it hangs on my wall, in the shape of a question mark. It is one of the most inspiring story that I have ever read. So I wonder why you write that your work is garbage. I guess that it’s a doubt that would rise in everybody, even in great artists, but when I was dreaming of becoming an artist myself this was something that stopped me from even trying. I don’t think that I’ve become one, but at least I’m learning to avoid comparing myself to other artists, and to accept what I do when I’m doing it my best. We should never say that our work is garbage, if we worked hard on it. :-)
Hi, I came back to look at your site after some years and I realize just now it was actually a blog. So I thought I should write something to tell you how much I appreciate your work. The story “A day in the park” is my favourite. I had it printed and since then it hangs on my wall, in the shape of a question mark. It is one of the most inspiring story that I have ever read. So I wonder why you write that your work is garbage. I guess that it’s a doubt that would rise in everybody, even in great artists, but when I was dreaming of becoming an artist myself this was something that stopped me from even trying. I don’t think that I’ve become one, but at least I’m learning to avoid comparing myself to other artists, and to accept what I do when I’m doing it my best. We should never say that our work is garbage, if we worked hard on it. :-)
A big fan / admirer of your creations. Your work is amazing and deserves a much larger audience.