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  • Inktober 2014

    What a month!

    But first things first. What’s Inktober? It’s a drawing challenge conceived by artist Jake Parker. You make an ink drawing everyday and share it online  for the entire month. I’ve been posting mine on facebook and twitter and now that it’s over I thought I should gather all of them in a nice post here on the blog.

    I’ve done this before and even though I draw almost everyday anyway, there were times it was actually pretty challenging. Some days are just so full that it seems almost impossible to keep up.  And yet, it’s that lack of time to second guess what you did, correct it or do it again that I enjoyed the most. It really feels liberating.  Artists often suffer from this kind of obsessive/compulsive behavior when it comes to their work and I’m no exception. That’s why rules are important. Sometimes they set you free.

    Anyway, here they are in the exact order they were made. Daily captions included. Enjoy the ride. I sure did.


    Here’s a time-lapse vid of the 6th day’s sketch. I wish I could have made more of these.


    And here’s everything I used throughout the month.


    2 Responses to “Inktober 2014”

    1. sketchy says:

      I loved your drawings. They are all amazing!

    2. Thank you so much for posting these each day … I’ve been delighted and impressed by each one. My regard for how you’ve drawn daily, unfailingly, is so high it has altitude sickness. They detail is stunning, the mood they create … beautiful! My favorite one is the cellist and the conductor. Again, thank you … most impressive!

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