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  • Yuri Gagarin

    Here’s a portrait of the only man in my opinion to have truly experienced for a short while what it means to be considered by everyone the coolest most amazing  human being on the planet so far.

    I enjoy so very much working with extremely limited palettes lately. Everything looks so harmonious no matter what you do. This is basically painted with yellow and red with just an accent of blue and violet on the highlights.


    Bikeart.gr Poster Exhibition Vol.3”

    This is my poster for this year’s Bikeart poster exhibition. (check out last year’s too) The concept is the same like last year. They produce a limited amount of prints from each artist that can be purchased during the exhibition. Again, all profits will be used to finance big murals and all sorts of beautiful art, decorating schools around the country. All posters that aren’t sold during the show are usually available through internet. More info on their website and facebook page.

    bicycle poster_2014